18 Sep Vancouver Fishing Report September 2019
We’ve had a super busy Summer of fishing here in Vancouver, consistently solid fishing action on our saltwater and freshwater trips all Summer long, its been great! As we move into September we have ample Vancouver fishing opportunities, some right from the city. September is one of my favourite times for fishing in Vancouver and our surrounding area, weather is usually nice and we have salmon, trout and sturgeon fishing all right at our doorstep. Here is a a quick break down of our top three September Vancouver fishing trips and what to expect as we move into October…
Vancouver Fly Fishing Trips September 2019
We’re just wrapping up our Pink salmon fishing season, it usually is all done by mid September but we’re still seeing fresh Pink salmon on the lower Squamish River. They seemed to show up late and will be here late. Crowds have thinned out and our Vancouver fly fishing trips will give you the opportunity to fish for Pinks and for resident Bull Trout and Rainbow Trout.
The Bulls and Rainbows become pretty active in September after a Pink salmon run, as they are feeding on the remnants of the run and the eggs in the system. September is nice because we have lots of options, if there aren’t many Pinks on the lower Squamish River we can fish the upper river or some of the smaller tributaries for trout. It’s not a technical time of year for us either, meaning any level of angler, new or experienced, will enjoy fly fishing with us in September.
As we move into October we’ll be focusing on swinging flies for Chum salmon and Coho salmon. The Pinks will all be gone by then and the fresh run of big Chums and shiny Cohos will be rolling into the lower Squamish River hopefully in the first week of October. Over the last few years we’ve had a later run of Chums, they’ve been showing up later into October, but we’re expecting a strong return of Cohos and are excited for all the fishing we get to do in October for salmon. If you’re looking for a quality BC fly fishing experience, planning a trip with us in October will check all the boxes as we offer both day trips and packages to maximize your fishing.
To book a guided day trip, check out our Vancouver fly fishing trips page for more info and contact the office chromersportfishing@gmail.com for availability.
Vancouver Salmon Fishing Report September 2019
Summer of 2019 has easily been one of the best salmon fishing seasons in Vancouver in a loooong time!
We’ve had excellent fishing for Chinook (King) salmon all Summer long, it’s been great and lots of Cohos and Pinks in local waters as well. Overall a very good year and September is not disappointing us either. The first two weeks of September has seen consistent fishing off the Fraser River Sandheads and Bell Buoy for some bigger fishing, a few in the 25+ pound range.
That being said we are going to see things wind down a bit, as ocean going fish move into the local rivers of BC’s south coast. So, if you’re keen on a Vancouver salmon fishing charter now is the time to get out for a trip. We should have good saltwater salmon fishing right through until late September.
We have available dates throughout September, so if you’d like to book a Vancouver salmon fishing charter with us email us at chromersportfishing@gmail.com or call toll-free 1-877-902-3393.
Vancouver Sturgeon Fishing Report September 2019
Again, some absolutely incredible fishing through August and into September on our Vancouver sturgeon fishing trips. Our Vancouver sturgeon trips take place on the Fraser River east of Vancouver. It is an easy day trip from Vancouver, a 90 minute drive will put you into the heart of sturgeon fishing country, near the towns of Chilliwack and Hope.
September is long regarded as one of the prime sturgeon fishing times on the Fraser River. We generally see some of the biggest fish of the season in September, October and November, and this season has been no different. September has been an excellent month so far for sturgeon fishing and things will only get better as we move later into the month and into October. Our daily trips are seeing between 3-7 fish per day, usually some bigger ones and a few absolute beauties over the 9 foot mark. Not too many places in the world can you go and catch a 9 foot fish. If you’re interested in some big game fishing while in Vancouver then sturgeon fishing is the way to go, you can check our our new Fraser River sturgeon fishing video, it’s on our Vancouver sturgeon fishing page now. The fishing was really good, we landed 8 fish on the day, all over 5 feet!
If you’d like to join us on a Fraser River sturgeon fishing trip with top guides we do have a few open days in September, and some more openings in October. Email Greg & Yos at chromersportfishing@gmail.com or call toll-free 1-877-902-3393.
About the Author
Yos Gladstone is the owner operator of Chromer Sport Fishing, a guiding company and booking agency based in British Columbia, Canada. A full-time salmon & steelhead guide, Yos spends 200+ days a year on the water fishing, guiding and hosting trips.